The Trustee Ministry at Greater Bethel Missionary Baptist Church is dedicated to the service of stewardship to the church, the community and everyone who comes to worship here. We welcome your prayers and your support.
The Board of Trustees derives its authority to organize and operate under Article 11. Boards, Section B. Trustee Board, page 17 of the Bylaws of Greater Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, Inc., (effective December 8, 2010) and the state and federal laws applicable to nonprofit organizations.
The Trustee Ministry;
Trustee Chairperson: Mark Adams
Trustee Vice-Chairperson: Gwen Myers
Trustee Secretary: Essie Williams
Trustee Gloria Sheppard
Trustee Jeffrey Rhodes
Trustee Jeffery White
What is the function of the Board of Trustees?
Custodians of all Church property
Purchasing agents of the Church
Administrators of finance
Sign all Church checks through the chairperson, treasurer and financial secretary
Regularly attend Church Conferences
With the advice and assistance of the Board of Deacons, make recommendations of salaries, for ultimate approval by the Church Conference
Request program monies in the event that budgeted receipts are insufficient to fund all programs. Said acquisitions of funds shall be in accordance with procedures set forth herein
Ensure compliance with all laws, particularly Fla. Stat. Chp. 607 and 617
And other duties, responsibilities and requirements as outlined in the Church Bylaws.